Nathan Corder is an
Oakland-based composer of works for electronics, objects, and arrays of people. Corder’s music has been honored and programmed at events such as
the International Symposium of New Music (Brazil), Le festival International
des Arts Sonores EXHIBITRONIC (Strasbourg), MUSLAB (Mexico City), Echofluxx
(Czech Republic), mise-en music festival, NUNC!3, NYC Electroacoustic Music
Festival, N_SEME, Root Signals, the Yarn/Wire Institute, and SEAMUS. He
received the Elizabeth Mills Crothers Award for music composition in 2018 from
Mills College. In 2014, Nathan was awarded the Allen Strange Memorial award
from SEAMUS.
His music has been
described as both “something in common with the act of sowing seeds, digging,
dragging, foraging, and repeating the process” (Toneshift), and “dizzyingly
kinetic sonic events that constantly interlock and overlap… extreme computer
music” (Noise Not Music).
Active as a
composer-performer and improviser on custom-designed electronics and guitar,
Corder has collaborated with artists such as Roscoe Mitchell, William Winant,
Jaap Blonk, and Barbara Golden. He is also an active member of the bands TONED,
monopiece, Nude Tayne, and Jitters.